Natural Gas
200 PSI
27600 Steam lbs/hr
Power Flame burner boiler
Stack for boiler
Over 40 years of boiler reconditioning expertise. Our industry experts take care of all of your boiler needs.
Mechanical work: Remove unwanted piping and brackets from the boiler/clean tube sheets, Morrison drum, brush tubes, clean tube ends, stack, and other areas, primer tube sheets and Morrison drum.
Chemical Clean Tubes: Purchase drums of chemicals/inhibitor and fill boiler and introduce chemicals. Circulate and monitor chemicals throughout process. Drain and clean inside of boiler.
Blow Down Lines/McMD Low Water Cut Off/Modulated Feed Water
Blow Down Lines – Purchase valves and piping materials to pipe in blow down lines on boiler.
McMD Low Water Cut Off – Purchase primary and auxiliary low water cut off and piping materials to pipe in low water cut offs on boiler.
Modulated Feed Water – purchase motorized ball valve and piping materials to pipe modulated feed water.
Clean, Sand, and Paint complete boiler.
Coupling repair/tube replacement: Repair Couplings with certified couplings.
Grind openings then fit and tack weld new couplings in boiler. ASME inspector to inspect fit up and tack weld.
Seal weld couplings into boiler.
Hydro boiler and ASME inspector to inspect and witness hydro test and sign off. If any tubes fail the hydro test they are immediately replaced.
Flame Safe Guard Controls purchased and installed. CMax Burner Repair: clean and repair burner, purchase damper assembly and other parts to repair.
Remove blower fan and internal parts to clean, inspect, and put back together. Remove control panel and install junction box on the front of burner for new electrical system.
RGF 8″ Recirculating Line (stainless steel): Fabricate and install on boiler with brackets so that return is rigid enough to ship with.
Wire Flame Safe Guard System: Replace refractory furnace ring, install new ring on adapting plate and mount on boiler.
Front and rear door repair
Electrical components, relief valves and gaskets supplied and installed
Gas Train: Rebuild and install on boiler
Electrical system tests are performed