Product Details: (2) Switchboard units available for purchase
- Model: DVM Custom Switchboard
- System Voltage: 480Y/277V 3Ph 4W 60Hz
- System Ampacity: 2000A
- Source Description: Single Main
- Bussing: Silver Plated Copper
- Neutral Bus: 100%
- Max Available Fault Current (RMS): 100kA
- Enclosure: Type 1
- Accessibility: Front Only
- Exterior Paint Color: ANSI 49
- Lineup: Includes MasterPact MTZ Breaker(s)
- Grounding: Copper Ground Bus and ground lug for each device
- 3 sections, each 36″ wide and 36″ deep
- Overall dimensions: 108.00″ W x 36.00″ D x 91.5″ H
- Approximate weight: 3044.00 lbs / 1380.76 kgs
Incoming Requirements:
- Suitable for use as a service entrance
- Entry point: Left of lineup, through the bottom
- Connection type: Cable
- 1 x 2000AF/2000AT, 100% rated, 3-pole, stored energy, fixed-mounted circuit breaker (UL Type MTZ 2)
- Features:
- Micrologic X 6.0: Long Time, Short Time, Instantaneous, Ground Fault protection
- Energy Reduction Maintenance Setting (ERMS)
- Auxiliary switches: 4A-4B
- Overcurrent trip switch: 1A/1B Form C (SDE)
- Programmable Contact Module (ESM)
- Visual contact wear indication
- Energy Reduction Maintenance Switch
- 1 x 1600AF/1600AT, 100% rated, 3-pole, stored energy, fixed-mounted circuit breaker (UL Type MTZ 2)
- Micrologic X 6.0: Long Time, Short Time, Instantaneous, Ground Fault protection
- Energy Reduction Maintenance Setting (ERMS)
- Auxiliary switches: 4A-4B
- Overcurrent trip switch: 1A/1B Form C (SDE)
- Programmable Contact Module (ESM)
- Visual contact wear indication
- Energy Reduction Maintenance Switch
- 2 x 250AS/250AT, 480V, 80% rated, 100kA, 3-pole (UL Type JL)
- Standard trip unit: Long Time, Short Time, Instantaneous
- Overcurrent trip switch: 1A/1B Form C
- 2 x 400AS/400AT, 480V, 80% rated, 100kA, 3-pole (UL Type LL)
- Standard trip unit: Long Time, Short Time, Instantaneous
- 2 x 600AS/600AT, 480V, 80% rated, 100kA, 3-pole (UL Type LL)
- Standard trip unit: Long Time, Short Time, Instantaneous
- 2 x 800AS/800AT, 480V, 80% rated, 100kA, 3-pole (UL Type PL)
- Standard trip unit: Long Time, Short Time, Instantaneous
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